MIMER MEDICAL COLLEGE : One-stop information !

Greetings to the reader! It was exactly three years back when I was in your shoes reveling behind the screen anxiously going through every blog I came through with peanut butter fingers fetching and hunting for any information I could get before embarking upon this glorious but exhilarating journey of being a ' Doctor '. I clearly remember the day when my admission for MBBS into MIMER Medical College was finalised. Then I couldn't find any post which would cater with scintillating one-stop information about the institution from a student's point of view. Hence, I decided to come up with this topic in my blog while taking care of not being even infinitesimally prefunctory. Being a medico and getting into this noble (or money minting?) profession had been my dream since I was a toddler (Yes, I played with a doctor barbie :P). But, my parents were a bit apprehensive considering no Medical background in my family near and afar. Honest...